
What some of our customers have to say!

  • Jerome, Grower & Avocado Technical Consultant, Northland: "Nitrosol has formed an integral part of avocado orchard health for as long as I can remember. In young orchards, high health is the best defence in these disease-prone early years and I regard regular foliar sprays of Nitrosol Original + Phosphonate as the single most important input, right from planting.  In older trees, foliar application of Nitrosol Original is a very effective winter nutrition option, especially when the orchard is carrying a heavy crop and needs the support of a healthy, dark green canopy.  What I also like about Nitrosol is that the NPK content is tested, dependable and guaranteed and the grower knows what he is getting."
  • Roger, beef, sheep, crops & Lucerne farmer, Nelson. Roger runs 500 acres of beef, sheep, crop and Lucerne.  He says “I’m usually pretty careful about the changes I make on the farm so I started with Nitrosol on the Lucerne and potatoes and now a bit on the winter oats – but I haven’t done any pasture yet. So far the results have been great. “On Lucerne the regrowth was immediate and leafy, I put some real scrubby looking lambs over it and, well, you should see them now!”
  • Glen, Spray Contractor, runs his own farm. “A complete waste of money”, was the honest response that Glen gave us when we first asked how his hay paddocks were doing, “I couldn’t see any visual difference what-so-ever between the Nitrosol paddock and the controlled one. But when I started to rake it I noticed how dense the Nitrosol treated hay was, it obviously tillered out so much more and had seemed to be thickened up at the base a lot more than the other paddock even though the two looked exactly the same before I cut.  I got about 90 bales to the acre off the controlled paddocks, which I consider pretty good really, yet I ended up with 134 bales to the acre off the Nitrosol paddocks!”…Not a waste of money after all.
  • A Southland farmer's experience. We thought we would summarize the results of a Southland farm using Nitrosol since March 1995.  The pastures received three applications of 15 litres per hectare plus lime, at the time the farmer sent us his comments.  This farmer said that the grass looked so good you could eat it yourself.  The following are his observations:
    • Twenty-year old pasture, which showed a marked increase in the prevalence of clover with larger and broader leave.
    • Lambing percentage was 142% when previously it had been between 120 and 130%.
    • The lambs were really healthy, with good wool colour right throughout the season.
    • More wool off 1200 ewes than neighbour off 1400.
    • Little or no dags on the lambs at tailing compared to lambs weaned on one Nitrosol paddocks.
    • They hay paddocks yielded 143 bales per acre compared to previous levels of 110 bales/acre.
    • Very good recovery of pasture following grazing.
    • Contented and healthy looking breeding stock.
    • Average lamb price of over $40 compared to district average of $36 to $38.
    • Better pasture recovery after cold weather, particularly after heavy snow.
  • Nitrosol and MicroLime a combination that “Just Works.” The owners of a 40 hectare block in the Bay of Plenty concentrate on raising beef animals and have some horses.  Their farm was sprayed in the spring of 2005 with 20 litres per ha of Nitrosol Oceanic and 25 kg per ha of PhloLime.  This was applied by Oceania Helicopters in one application. They were delighted with the job.  Their hay barn is full and there has been excellent regrowth and now in March there is an abundance of feed to carry stock into the autumn.  They have said they will use the product again as the results were good and the application went without a hitch.  The operation was cost effective and the helicopter used a GPS (global positioning system) which meant the placement of the product was extremely accurate and ensured precise coverage. “Putting on Nitrosol and MicroLime together is a great combination… It just works.”